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Leapfrog Fun
A *Message* (read in french accent) About Massage
Get ’em While They’re Hot
Big Brother

Leapfrog Fun

Working at home requires a delicate balance of hands-on parenting and skillful neglect. My number one job is to nurture my off-spring. However sometimes mama has a deadline so I’m always on the look out for the game or book or activity that will buy me a few moments of peace, sans mom-guilt. You know, the guilt attached to plunking your child in front of the Boob Tube in order to respond to a few emails. My son will happily play Brain Buster games on my iphone while I grocery shop or run errands. I thought maybe this could work for my daughter. I Googled “Best educational games for toddlers” and downloaded a few apps that looked developmentaly appropriate and engaging. This was genius. Avery could practice cognitive skills, while I worked. This brilliant plan went belly up in about five minutes. I didn’t factor in the fine motor skills required to manipulate the buttons on my iphone. Drat. Then I heard about the Leap Pad. Same idea – kid friendly brain boosting games, but designed for little fingers. I promptly put this on our Christmas wishlist. In the mean time, after hearing my plight, Leapfrog sent me two popular[…]

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A *Message* (read in french accent) About Massage

As weird as it is to have a perfect stranger rub and squeeze me, it’s completely worth the mild awkwardness. Here’s the low down on getting a rub down: 1. Eat before. Not so much that you’re a bloated whale, but enough to spare you the worry about your tummy grumbling during your massage. A rumbly stomach is a natural thing, but for some reason I find it embarrassing and anticipating my stomach making sounds on the table stresses me out. 2. Drink water before and after your massage – something to do with helping flush out toxins or something. 3. On that note, pee right before your massage. Parts of your body will be pushed on, so it’s a good idea to go in “on empty.” 4. Be advised that the massage therapist will tuck the top sheet into the wasitband of your underwear. Unless you’re comfortable showing off your butt, you might want to trade in the thong for full-coverage briefs on massage day. 5. Couples massages are romantic in theory. However, if your partner is a Chatty Cathy (Yes, I’m looking at YOU honey) and serenity is what you’re after, book separate rooms. 6. Set the mood[…]

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I love Halloween. It’s my favourite holiday…until of course, the next big holiday comes along. Then I’ll be all, “Christmas is my favourite holiday!” I’m a swept-up-in-the-moment kinda gal. Anyway, the Halloween moment is fading fast, but before the last spooky, shadows have receded back into the night (aka the big plastic Rubbermaid bins in my basement), here a few happy Halloween moments from the haunted house of Thornbury… *insert chainsaw buzzing and shrill screaming here* THIS is what happens when pumpkin carving occurs on daddy’s shift. I can’t complain – there were no severed digits and my husband (my own butch Martha Stewart) Googled a roasted pumpkin seed recipe and baked up a batch with the kids. How cute does Avery look with a pumpkin on her head? Downright gourd-geous! haha Justin ZomBieber and Chicken Little Big Mouth (Avery carried that plastic egg with her all day and night. “Cracked” us up. Ironically, we had chicken fingers for dinner before trick-or-treating. Aw, that’s one happy chicken and one cross-eyed Zombieber. Avery was sick the last two years and wasn’t able to go trick-or-treating. This year they both went out, together. The Zombie groaned, “Trick-or-treat” while Avery offered an enthusiastic,[…]

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Get ’em While They’re Hot

While many families spent today’s sticky 33 degree day in the cool of a pool, I took my kids shopping for Halloween costumes; stifling, zip up to the chin, plush get-ups. In my defense, we DID go swimming first. But on the way home, we passed a Once Upon A Child gently used clothing store. We popped in to look for a rain coat to match Avery’s new back-to-school rain boots. I didn’t find a rain coat, but instead discovered a treasure trove of Halloween costumes.  Admittedly, I’m a closet snob when it comes to my…closet. The same holds true for my children’s clothes. GAP and Gymboree have me by the Coach Wristlet. Second hand stores have proven to be my saving grace during recent budget constraints. People sell their stuff; GOOD stuff and for a fraction of the cost. I have yet to purchase school supplies, but I can happily tick “costumes” off my fall to-do list.  Visit a consignment store near you and grab your costumes now! The selection is unbeatable and the price is right. I got two full costumes today for under $20 (and laughed my ass off during the air conditioned fashion show)!                    My[…]

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Big Brother

We are so lucky that our son, is our son. He’s an old soul, compassionate and wise beyond his eight years. Many children might resent the attention and time required to parent a sibling with Special Needs. Fortunately, our son chooses to participate and nurture. His little sister looks up to him and mimics his every move (dance moves included).  Last night after playing in the sprinkler, we took Avery inside to get her dried off and jammied up in preparation for family movie night. DS stepped up and said, “Don’t worry. I’ve got it.” They returned a few minutes later changed and ready for the movie. Yes, he neglected to put her in a Pull-up. And sure, she was wearing winter PJs on a 30 degree night, but it didn’t matter. He had chosen matching stuffies for each to cuddle on the couch. A pink pig for Avery to match her pajamas and a blue bear for himself. As I said, we’re lucky our son, is our son.

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