Category - relationships

Good-Bye Six, Hello Seven
Partners In Parenting
Sticks and Stones
Mad Family Love
Still Siblings…

Good-Bye Six, Hello Seven

Today, as though in a blink of an eye, our daughter is seven years old. Taller, hair longer, jumping higher, running faster. She has more words, more questions, more understanding. And of course, we love her even more than we did yesterday. We celebrated her birthday in June — so her visiting cousins could spend the day with her and so she could have her Popcorn Party while her favourite movie was still playing in theatres. Avery has achieved so many milestones this year. Some expected, some a complete surprise and indescribable thrill. She graduated up to full-time grade one, learned to swim without floaties, mastered printing her name and adding numbers and many other amazing big girl things. You’re seven today. You’re growing up so quickly; so fast in fact that it’s only a matter of time before THIS happens….  

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Partners In Parenting

My husband and I are partners in every way. Well, except for banking—I “chequed” out of all the financial stuff years ago. Though I feign interest, he and I both know I’m thinking about Mad Men or what might be happening on Facebook while he’s explaining our bank statements.   But that’s okay because I am in charge of other important things—like groceries. Somebody has to menu plan and use coupons. It bores him to tears, so I do it.    Like I said, partners — each with specific roles and duties, like a well-oiled machine. Speaking of which, he deals with all things automotive, while I take care of the laundry. He’s actually banned from touching the dryer. The man has shrunk one too many pairs of my yoga pants.   When it comes to parenting, we share duties equally. Sometimes we employ the “good cop, bad cop” routine. I’m always the good cop because I can’t stomach the bad cop shtick.When Avery was first diagnosed and we got a glimpse of what we might be dealing with, we realized that one parent would need to stay home full-time. We both knew it would be me. Not that my[…]

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Sticks and Stones

    As the saying going, “Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words can never hurt us.” Really? That life lesson seems a little naive, if not excessively violent. Sticks are for roasting marshmallows. Stones are for skipping over a glassy lake on a hot summer day. Of course getting a stick in the eye is going to hurt and a stone to the skull will probably leave you dizzy and in need of an ice pack. Painful granted, but usually temporary. But words? They have a way of getting under your skin and festering for awhile; stinging and burning like a painful rash. I heard my kids playing upstairs when my son suddenly said to his sister, “Where did you get that from? Did somebody say that to you??” He came down to report that Avery had called him “Dumbo Ears.” She didn’t know what it meant and was obviously only repeating what she had heard. She told us somebody said it to her at school. She couldn’t name who. Avery’s ears do stick out and it’s not the first time she’s been teased about it. The thing is, she has no idea. In the face of[…]

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Mad Family Love

  We recently went out for a family brunch and a lovely time was had by all, or so we thought… After looking through the photos it seems one member of our merry band was somewhat dissatisfied. Could it be she was disgruntled after being told she was not allowed to stick her head directly under the chocolate fountain, despite the fact that her mother did that very thing several years before at a wedding? What? I was dared to do it. Or perhaps eating a spicy pepper, mistaken for a tomato was causing ill feelings? Or maybe being forced to sit still for more than ten minutes was more than she could bear? Whatever the reason, this is the photographic evidence that *somebody* in our party was a little on the grumpy side. Funny, because she’s usually the happiest of the bunch. *My father-in-law is absent from this pic because he was taking the photo…

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Still Siblings…

My brother Mike and I circa 1976. Move over John Travolta… that stylin’ disco dude in the background is our dad.    Siblings fight. It’s totally normal. So apparently my children are abnormal. They’re still young though, so all hell could still break loose. But at this moment they are completely peaceful. They have never had a fight or disagreement of any kind. No bickering, hitting, tattling or vying for attention. I watch my son, the older of the two, and marvel at how fiercely protective he is of his kid sister. They are best friends.  This has absolutely NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with parenting. We have not taught them this behaviour. By all accounts the nine year old should resent his little sister. Her medical issues have resulted in him missing out on many outings and a large portion of attention has been diverted away from him to her. Instead of acting out, he simply loves her more. My brother, three years my junior, and I were the same; best buddies growing up. Apart from a few squabbles in our teen years, I don’t recall a single harsh word between us, ever. He’s a grown man now, but I[…]

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