Category - relationships

She’s Da (photo) Bomb…
This Post Is Nothing But Negativity. Sorry In Advance.
Levity During Loss—thank you for the flours
Goodbyes Are Never Easy
Laugh When It’s Easy, Laugh Harder When It’s Not

She’s Da (photo) Bomb…

It took a few years before my daughter was invited to a birthday party, but once she attended her first, she couldn’t get enough. The balloons, the colourfully wrapped gifts, the kids happily playing and laughing, and of course the birthday cake. Avery is hopelessly smitten with parties. And for some reason she thinks every celebration is all about her. I have no idea who she gets that from. Ahem…clearly the party animal doesn’t fall from from the tree. *I’ve never fallen from an actual tree, but I did get stuck in one after climbing too high on a dare. I had to be rescued. In retrospect I wish I hadn’t been wearing a skirt. Last weekend we helped our friends M and J celebrate their sixth birthday. We partied. Hard. Some of us even partook in a little photo bomb action… Of course this wasn’t the first birthday photo bombing incident. There was this one too.  *Note the teeny finger print in the icing…”somebody” just couldn’t resist fondling the fondant. Aw, that’s my girl. 🙂

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This Post Is Nothing But Negativity. Sorry In Advance.

 Warning: There is an X-rated-ish photo at the end of this post.   I try not to whine too much online and most of the stories I share here on this blog have {hopefully} a silver lining kind of message. But man, sometimes a gal just has to vent. It probably doesn’t help that I’ve had a rough week culminating in an awful head cold and have slept with wads of Kleenex shoved up both nostrils for the past two nights. So if I may, I’m going to vent freely. Feel free to read or not. Here are ten things that got stuck in my craw today. If not dealt with promptly, this will result in a festering craw blister. Ouch. 1.The line up at the Tim Horton’s drive-thru this morning was at least twenty cars long backed up into the street. Get out of your car you bunch of laziess and go inside to get your damn coffee. The only one who should be idling, is Billy.  2. Traffic circles… please learn how to use them. The yield sign is not a suggestion. If I’m entering the circle first, I have the right of way. This means you not[…]

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Levity During Loss—thank you for the flours

My brother made the drive from Michigan to Ontario to be with us for my mother-in-law’s memorial service. Before he left he called to see what I’d like him to bring. I asked for my favourite flour—whole wheat but made from white wheat kernels—perfect for bread and pancakes, but I can’t seem to find it here in Canada.   When he arrived and offered his condolences, I hugged him as he passed me the two bags of King Arthur. “Thanks for the flours.” I said through tears. And then we laughed. The ridiculousness of this statement brought some much needed levity to an otherwise somber situation.   My brother-in-law flew home from overseas last week and he’s been making us laugh since he got home. His stories about his mom and all the good times has brought both laughter and tears — honouring her this way is helping us begin to heal. My son is having a difficult time accepting that his “Grandie” is really gone. But talking about her and remembering the special moments is helping him cope. He has vowed to keep her memory alive for his younger cousins and little sister. My daughter knows her Grandie is[…]

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Laugh When It’s Easy, Laugh Harder When It’s Not

Before Facebook and Twitter, we weren’t always privy to the intimate details of other people’s lives the way we are now. Today we Instashare everything — and not just the pretty moments. I find this to be both horrid and helpful. There’s no need to elaborate on the negative side of social media — the drama, the bullying (I’m talkin’ about grown-ups here) and of course the “I can never un-see that but wish I could” TMI bits. So let’s focus on the helpful. Social Media, blogging in particular, has given me an opportunity to share the story of my family — from our daughter’s diagnosis of a rare chromosomal abnormality, to now and into the future. I’ve been able to connect with other families with similar experiences, as well as with people with typical children who simply want to understand or offer support. I’m grateful for both. It isn’t easy raising a child with special needs; especially if you’re a worrier and a planner. But the one thing that helps me cope, is him —my partner in this thing called Family Life. He makes me laugh every day. Even on the really shitty days. Know how they say, “Laughter is the[…]

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