Category - Videos

A Video For A SPECIAL Sister
Good-Bye Six, Hello Seven
John Cicada
Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mummy, Ma, Mum…
Don’t Touch That Remote!

A Video For A SPECIAL Sister

  He wanted a way to explain to his peers about how his sister is very different from, yet exactly the same as everyone else. Our son made this video to share with his schoolmates. He said it would be easier if people would just ask him what they want to know, instead of staring or whispering or making ignorant remarks. These are his words.  These are their photos.  This is his thoughtful message. *Over the course of a week he went from class to class to share this video with his schoolmates. He started by introducing his sister who was there with him. Then he played the video and answered questions at the end. Related: Creating a “Special Needs Script“

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Good-Bye Six, Hello Seven

Today, as though in a blink of an eye, our daughter is seven years old. Taller, hair longer, jumping higher, running faster. She has more words, more questions, more understanding. And of course, we love her even more than we did yesterday. We celebrated her birthday in June — so her visiting cousins could spend the day with her and so she could have her Popcorn Party while her favourite movie was still playing in theatres. Avery has achieved so many milestones this year. Some expected, some a complete surprise and indescribable thrill. She graduated up to full-time grade one, learned to swim without floaties, mastered printing her name and adding numbers and many other amazing big girl things. You’re seven today. You’re growing up so quickly; so fast in fact that it’s only a matter of time before THIS happens….  

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John Cicada

  Any opportunity to pick up an insect and my daughter takes it. Grasshoppers, worms, moths, ants. Last week it was a wasp. The fact that it stung her hand didn’t stop her from picking up a bumble bee the very next day. Yesterday at the park Avery and her dad met a sickly cicada. They named him John. Here’s what happened when they tried to rescue it. I wonder if Buzzfeed will pick it up? 😉

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Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mummy, Ma, Mum…

  Like a blonde, curly haired broken record, my daughter gets stuck on repeat. Actually, she must repeat in order to learn. Genetic testing has revealed that our child is missing specific genes linked as the cause of mental delays specifically related to memory. Children learn by mimicking and remembering. It takes Avery much longer to commit a concept to memory, so she must repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. She’ll watch the same television show over and over. This includes Max and Ruby. *stabs parental eardrums with pointy stick* She also repeats phrases and songs, the ABCs, names of the people she knows and places she’s been and many, many other things. We understand the importance of her rehearsing these concepts. Strangers do not. It’s somewhat amusing to watch the reactions Avery gets when she says, “Bye man!” a dozen or so times to the same guy at the grocery store. Most people will actually return or at least acknowledge each one. Bless their patient hearts. I try to redirect her though, to spare these busy people the last six or seven farewells. Most of the time these repetitions are necessary. Though sometimes she repeats herself out of habit or because[…]

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