Archive - 2013

Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mummy, Ma, Mum…
Navigating The Hormonal Highway of Motherhood


This story is about a baby conceived, but never delivered. It’s about the thrill of finding out you’re pregnant, and then disappointment you feel when suddenly you’re not. It’s about miscarriage, but it’s also about chickens and abysmal record keeping. Random, but related. When my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child, we were overjoyed. I knew I was pregnant only days after conception. I just knew. A pregnancy test confirmed it and I went to the doctor for a blood test to be sure. We told our families right away because that kind of excitement just can’t be contained. We made plans, discussed names, researched strollers. I couldn’t wait to share the happy news with my class of grade two students, but I decided to wait the obligatory three months—which never came. At nine weeks I miscarried. We went through the usual panic—trying to fix it, trying to stop it, trying to save it. Of course you can’t stop nature’s course. Mother Nature is stubborn. She does what she wants, when she wants, for reasons only she knows. My husband called my work to say I would be off the next day. I needed a[…]

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Stressed may indeed be dessert spelled backwards, but it’s anything but sweet. It’s just the opposite — it’s sour. Or is that bitter? Whichever one, as my friend would say, “Stress can go suck a bag of ducks.” This handy new catch phrase was born from an Autocorrect. I have no idea what it means, but I try to use it at least once a day because it makes me laugh. And laughter is the best stress reliever, right?   I have a tendency to let stress build, but I’m working hard to learn how to manage it successfully and I’ve written about the steps I’m taking to kick my Worry Wart Ways.  Lately I’ve seen burgeoning signs of stress/anxiety/worry in my eldest child. Nothing terribly alarming, but significant enough to pay attention.  “Fifty per cent of adults diagnosed with mental illness reveal its start before the age of fourteen. It is imperative for parents, caregivers as well as teachers to recognize stress in early stages and support the child affected.”  My son seems to worry like his mother. Is this something for me to worry about? (I am aware of the irony here.) Perhaps it’s merely a phase. Either way, we’re[…]

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Rain, rain, go away, come again another day…and bring Tylenol. And four extra sets of hands. And a bag of patience. And a box of pinto grigio. Yes I said box. And a bucket of ice cream. And a bag of something salty — anything, I’m not picky. It’s summer, it’s soggy, and the natives are growing restless. Thankfully my kids are rather creative natives. This morning I found them in my daughter’s bedroom doing a puzzle. I didn’t question their methods. I simply took a photo and reversed quietly out of the room.

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Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mummy, Ma, Mum…

  Like a blonde, curly haired broken record, my daughter gets stuck on repeat. Actually, she must repeat in order to learn. Genetic testing has revealed that our child is missing specific genes linked as the cause of mental delays specifically related to memory. Children learn by mimicking and remembering. It takes Avery much longer to commit a concept to memory, so she must repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. She’ll watch the same television show over and over. This includes Max and Ruby. *stabs parental eardrums with pointy stick* She also repeats phrases and songs, the ABCs, names of the people she knows and places she’s been and many, many other things. We understand the importance of her rehearsing these concepts. Strangers do not. It’s somewhat amusing to watch the reactions Avery gets when she says, “Bye man!” a dozen or so times to the same guy at the grocery store. Most people will actually return or at least acknowledge each one. Bless their patient hearts. I try to redirect her though, to spare these busy people the last six or seven farewells. Most of the time these repetitions are necessary. Though sometimes she repeats herself out of habit or because[…]

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Navigating The Hormonal Highway of Motherhood

  Are these photos blurry? I can’t tell because my parental pupils are sleepy and everything looks fuzzy to me. Even my legs. Oh wait, they ARE fuzzy since I haven’t time to shave in weeks. That’s the thing about parenting—you will be tired and busy and have only fleeting moments to yourself for approximately twenty years. Only then will your life regain a steady direction. But, by that time you’ll be hitting menopause and your new found direction will soon go out the window. But it’s okay because it’s all worth it. The fatigue, the worry, the self-doubt, the sacrifice, the loss of identity. Wait, where was I going with this? Oh yes, parenting is a trip worth taking. This trip is fuelled by joy, love and laughter, and caffeine and let us not forget, hormones. Hormones can cause us to feel pretty overwrought at times. The lack of sleep doesn’t help. The less sleep I get, the more emotional I become. It’s rather comical, according to my husband. Pregnancy hormones cause us to furiously fluff our nests in preparation of our little ones. They also contribute to us blowing things out of proportion. Like the morning my husband and[…]

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