Category - Stories

Funny But Not Funny
This Post Is Nothing But Negativity. Sorry In Advance.
Levity During Loss—thank you for the flours
Ten Wishes
Morning has broken…my spirit

Funny But Not Funny

  You know those moments when you’re half sobbing, half laughing, basically mortified but not enough to be blinded to the humour of the situation? Of course these ‘simulhumourous’ events are funnier when they happen to other people. But they seems they happen to me more than the average Joe. Like… It’s funny, but totally not funny when you drive over the edge of a snowbank, expecting it to be soft and squishy, when in fact it’s frozen solid like a block of cement. The deafening thunk and your hubcap flying off tips you off. They you have to reverse and slink out of your car to retrieve your hubcap, praying silently that your neighbours aren’t watching in astonishment at your idiotic driving. It’s funny, but totally not funny when you’re woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of one of your dogs—the one with the sensitive stomach—heaving. He pukes on the floor and then jumps onto your bed making a “more vomit is imminent sound” adjacent to your pillow. In a panic you sit up, grab the convulsing canine attempting to make a run for the tiled bathroom floor to spare your Nepalese area rug. In your haste[…]

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This Post Is Nothing But Negativity. Sorry In Advance.

 Warning: There is an X-rated-ish photo at the end of this post.   I try not to whine too much online and most of the stories I share here on this blog have {hopefully} a silver lining kind of message. But man, sometimes a gal just has to vent. It probably doesn’t help that I’ve had a rough week culminating in an awful head cold and have slept with wads of Kleenex shoved up both nostrils for the past two nights. So if I may, I’m going to vent freely. Feel free to read or not. Here are ten things that got stuck in my craw today. If not dealt with promptly, this will result in a festering craw blister. Ouch. 1.The line up at the Tim Horton’s drive-thru this morning was at least twenty cars long backed up into the street. Get out of your car you bunch of laziess and go inside to get your damn coffee. The only one who should be idling, is Billy.  2. Traffic circles… please learn how to use them. The yield sign is not a suggestion. If I’m entering the circle first, I have the right of way. This means you not[…]

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Levity During Loss—thank you for the flours

My brother made the drive from Michigan to Ontario to be with us for my mother-in-law’s memorial service. Before he left he called to see what I’d like him to bring. I asked for my favourite flour—whole wheat but made from white wheat kernels—perfect for bread and pancakes, but I can’t seem to find it here in Canada.   When he arrived and offered his condolences, I hugged him as he passed me the two bags of King Arthur. “Thanks for the flours.” I said through tears. And then we laughed. The ridiculousness of this statement brought some much needed levity to an otherwise somber situation.   My brother-in-law flew home from overseas last week and he’s been making us laugh since he got home. His stories about his mom and all the good times has brought both laughter and tears — honouring her this way is helping us begin to heal. My son is having a difficult time accepting that his “Grandie” is really gone. But talking about her and remembering the special moments is helping him cope. He has vowed to keep her memory alive for his younger cousins and little sister. My daughter knows her Grandie is[…]

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Ten Wishes

 I sang, “We three kings of Orientar” for ages until I realized that Orientar isn’t a place. I eventually figured out that “Paper Bag Writer” isn’t correct either. Seems I’ve been mangling song lyrics for decades. Anyway, the time my girlfriends and I rode camelback through the desert, I felt like one of the Three Kings of said song — we were three wise-ish woman on a quest. Sleeping under a blanket of stars, I made a wish and hoped it would come true. And it has. *looks toward my happy family* As Christmas day and the new year approach, I have new hopes and wishes… I wish: For her to always be loved and accepted for who she is. For him to continue to feel confident and loved.  For her to get the “all clear” … this is the news we all long to hear. For him to make the best decision because decisions like these are hard. For her to find her voice. For them to find their groove — to make a difference and feel important. For her to find love.  For him to find peace. For her to find a resolution. For him, I wish health[…]

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Morning has broken…my spirit

  Sweet photo, right? Big brother helping his little sister with her homework while mum makes a nutritious breakfast. Yes, he’s helping his sister with her math. He’s trying, he really is and god love his sweet heart for that. But mere seconds after this photo was taken, little sister backhanded her doting brother in the face shouting, “I do it myself ‘Bastiannnnnnnnnnnn-nah!” As for the nutritious breakfast? I haven’t been grocery shopping in awhile and had to mix two kinds of cereal together to make enough. And we were out of milk so I thinned yogurt with water and hoped it would pass for milk. They’d be too busy complaining about the bruised bits in the mashed banana to really notice the milk anyway. After asking my daughter to get out from under the table, stop touching the dogs and to finish her breakfast about a dozen times, I put my face in my hands and admitted silently that mornings are not my favourite time of day. I knew what I should do. I NEEDED to sit down at the table with the kids. Avery wanted my attention. Any good parent could see that. However, I am not always[…]

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