Archive - 2013

Merry Halloween — What To Do With Left Over Candy
Fruit Flies and Chicken Thighs
Prehistic Fun With Food
Fall Is For Falling
Car Seat Calendar

Merry Halloween — What To Do With Left Over Candy

Halloween is terrifying. I’m not talking ghosts or ghouls or gore — I’m referring to the other G-Word — gluttony. Specifically mine. If there’s a Kit Kat or Coffee Crisp bar within a 500 foot radius, I will find it and I will put it in my mouth. So what are we “willpower challenged” to do at Halloween? Of course I buy treats that hold as little appeal to me as possible in case of left-overs. But then there’s the problem of the kids’ treats they bring home. Away at school all day, me at home…their candy calls to me seductively like a mythological siren. So in an attempt to limit my junk intake (because let’s get real… I AM  going to steal their treats) here are five ways to re-purpose candy for the next big holiday…Christmas!              If you think that keeping your paws of the candy for fifty-five days is a tad unrealistic (which for me, it probably is) then you might try one of these alternatives. 1. Host a “Build Your Own Sundae” party and set the candy out in bowls to use as toppings. 2. Add a little to trailmix or[…]

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Fruit Flies and Chicken Thighs

  This time of year, fruit flies come a callin’ and fruit bowls across the country play host to these uninvited guests. Where do they come from? These little PITAS have a nose for produce and can smell a ripe piece of fruit (or a glass of Pinot Grigio) from miles away. And, since these winged home invaders are so tiny they can easily find their way into our homes. They may also hitch a ride home on the fruits or vegetables we buy at the grocery store via eggs laid on the skin of ripe or fermenting fruit. Creeeeeeeepy. Fruit flies can develop from egg to adult in just 8 days. Kids—they just grow up so fast these days. And they are persistent little buggers. Even if you get rid of the produce on your counter, it may not help. They don’t actually need fruit to keep reproducing. They can breed in other mmmmoist surfaces like inside your plumbing, or on an old sponge or dish cloth. Well, that makes a lot of sense then. We put all our fruit away in the fridge. Including the bananas. The only thing I despise more than a banana, is a cold banana. I know—who hates[…]

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Fall Is For Falling

It seems my daughter’s inability to remain bipedal correlates with the season. It’s fall and boy has she fallen a lot this month. Off her bike onto the sidewalk, onto her head on the hardwood floor (probably didn’t help that she was sitting on an exercise ball on the couch at the time), in the grocery store, at the library, off the climber at the park and today, down the last four stairs face first onto the ceramic tile. Bruises, bumps and scrapes — nothing phases this tough kid. She falls and gets right back up. This temporary lapse in balance is likely the result of a growth spurt and her complete disregard for danger. I know it will pass — hopefully soon. In the meantime we struggle to keep her safe while still allowing her the freedom she so desperately craves. I’m tempted to put her in one of those inflatable sumo suits or wrap her from head-to-toe in protective bubble wrap. But that’s not the answer. Or is it? Would it be wrong to encase her in foam or follow behind her with a fluffy pillow or a giant catcher’s mitt? The best we can do is keep[…]

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Car Seat Calendar

Photo albums are awesome. Journals are a joy. Baby books? Brilliant (or so I’ve heard, since I’ve yet to make one). All of these milestone trackers are a wonderful vehicle for a trip down memory lane. Another way to witness the growth of your child is a car seat collage. What? It can be a thing, can’t it? Note: “Somebody” just graduated to a big girl booster seat and she couldn’t be more proud. 

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