Category - Health

Fruit Flies and Chicken Thighs
Do I look worried?
His Name Isn’t Helmut
Niacin Flush
I Judged Harshly and I Am Ashamed

Fruit Flies and Chicken Thighs

  This time of year, fruit flies come a callin’ and fruit bowls across the country play host to these uninvited guests. Where do they come from? These little PITAS have a nose for produce and can smell a ripe piece of fruit (or a glass of Pinot Grigio) from miles away. And, since these winged home invaders are so tiny they can easily find their way into our homes. They may also hitch a ride home on the fruits or vegetables we buy at the grocery store via eggs laid on the skin of ripe or fermenting fruit. Creeeeeeeepy. Fruit flies can develop from egg to adult in just 8 days. Kids—they just grow up so fast these days. And they are persistent little buggers. Even if you get rid of the produce on your counter, it may not help. They don’t actually need fruit to keep reproducing. They can breed in other mmmmoist surfaces like inside your plumbing, or on an old sponge or dish cloth. Well, that makes a lot of sense then. We put all our fruit away in the fridge. Including the bananas. The only thing I despise more than a banana, is a cold banana. I know—who hates[…]

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Do I look worried?

  Disregard the furrow of my brow and fidgeting hands. Apart from that, do I look worried to you?   If you say no, you’re lying. And I love you for it.   I’ve talked before about worry and how “Karl” is riding me like a banana crazed gorilla. We all worry, but some of us take it a little farther. Further? I never know which to use, but I’m not going to worry about it.   I don’t sweat the little things like that. I focus my worry on the things I have little control over. Like death, loss, monumental screw ups caused accidentally by me. Normal things like that. So what am I doing now to do to stop worrying so much? I’m TAKING ACTION!  You fellow control freaks know what I’m talking about. We like to be in the driver’s seat. It’s not that we’re bossy, it’s just that you do it wrong. What? I may not be able to control the outcome of every situation, but if I simply DO the things that are actually within my power and leave the rest to fate, I feel much more in control and liberated from worry. For example:[…]

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His Name Isn’t Helmut

Last weekend my son and I cleaned up his room. It’s concurrently heartwarming and disgusting to sort through a boy’s closet… sweaty sweat socks, a long forgotten baby blanket, a rotten apple, a picture he drew in kindergarten, a dust bunny the size of a melon nestled next to a mouldy drink cup, and the helmet he wore as a baby.   Of course I put my baby to sleep on his back. It was the safest thing to do. Plagiocephaly – or flat head syndrome — has increased 600 percent over the past 20 years, with the advent of the important life-saving “back to sleep” philosophy. My poor babe also had torticollis (unbalanced neck muscles) so he always turned his neck slightly to the left resulting in consistent pressure on the right rear side of his downy soft head.   He was a very large baby who stubbornly tried to enter the world sideways. During the last stages of labour he was stuck for a long time. He was in distress and his heart rate dropped dangerously low and doctors rushed to get him out. The aggressive use of the clamps and suction from the vacuum left our little[…]

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Niacin Flush

I’m all for a healthy glow, but this…is ridiculous. (Niacin Flush recreated for you with the miracle of Photoshop)     This is Niacin Flush. Never heard of it? Neither had I. It’s not dangerous, it’s just stupid looking. And uncomfortable — like that prickley heat you can get in the summer. In my ongoing quest to be a healthy person I resurrected my vitamin regiment. I take a Multi, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D, B Complex and Omega 3. Quite the mitt-ful. I know that if I just ate a well balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals I could probably ditch the synthetic supplements. I know. We’re working on it. In the meantime to keep my bones healthy (osteoporosis runs in my family) and to increase my energy, I take vitamins. A few weeks ago I heard about the benefits of Niacin— improved energy and mood, reduced bad cholesterol and reduced chance of cardiac related disease. I figured it couldn’t hurt to add it to the mix. Have I mentioned that I’m not a doctor? I’m also not a pharmacist or a naturopath. And I read way too much sh*t on the internet, obviously.  Ever watchful of[…]

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I Judged Harshly and I Am Ashamed

  The “Mommy Wars” are ridiculous. Get a life ladies. Don’t judge, just parent. That said, I judged my head off the other day and I feel like a jerk.    I was grocery shopping with my daughter when she stopped in her tracks and announced, “I gotta go!”    “Just a sec, mummy just needs to grab a few more things.” I said absentmindedly.   I continued shopping. I only had a dozen items on my list — all healthy things because this is what we’re doing now. This week anyway. I spotted a larger woman and her bedraggled husband in the aisle ahead of me and I was shocked at what they had in their cart — the junkiest food you can imagine.    I made a snap judgement about them; based on their size, the way they were dressed and what they were buying. I made assumptions about their intelligence and I’m ashamed to even admit what else I thought. “Mummy, I have to go!” my daughter pleaded again. Whenever we shop at this particular grocery store she always has to go. I’m certain it’s because the toilet is on the second level and we need to[…]

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