Tag - Random Lists

Random Personal Epiphanies Of 2011
A Fine Line Between “Boo Hoo” & “Whoo Hoo!”

Random Personal Epiphanies Of 2011

* Some days I’m way more talk than walk. * When will I actually learn that I need more sleep? * We care about what others think about us, even if we say we don’t. * Thinking about doing something kind for someone isn’t that same as actually doing it. * Low rise jeans are drafty and uncomfortable. * I worry more than the average person. * I don’t drink enough water. * I’m sick of the Jones’ and no longer care what they have (that’s what I’m telling myself anyway). * Family is everything. * I have a very real addiction to carbohydrates. * I am a loser. Literally – I physically lose at least two items per week. * If I can spare $10 for a bottle of wine, I can buy surely buy “expensive” vitamins. * Children hear every word you say…even if you think they’re not listening. * I’m the most disorganized organized person on earth. * I cry more when I’m happy than I do when I’m sad. * I can fluctuate significantly between insecure and wildly over-confident in the same day. * I spend too much time fussing with my hair. I should save[…]

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I’ve been officially tagged and asked to answer a few get to know you questions. This is a welcome distraction from the pain of my ridiculous sneezing injury. You KNOW you’re getting old when you sneeze and throw your back out… In case you’ve never done this meme kinda thing, just remember to link to the person who tagged you, answer the same questions, and then tag five people to do the same. Have fun! And let me know if you do it. 1. Name someone with the same birthday as you. Dolly Parton. True story. 2. Where was your first kiss? In the bush. That is to say, the bushes, in the park near our house. I was ten. 3. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else’s property? My guilty conscience would never allow that. Damn it because I think I would’ve made an excellent graffiti artist. 4. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? My neighbour when I was seven. Made him bleed. He totally asked for it. 5. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people? Unfortunately, yes. Hand me a karaoke microphone and all hell breaks loose. 6. What’s the first thing[…]

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A Fine Line Between “Boo Hoo” & “Whoo Hoo!”

I put the “mental” in sentimental on more than one occasion this week. I could easily write a sappy post about the heartbreak of watching my children head off to school this fall. It’s odd, this weird mixture of nostalgia and fierce pride watching your babies grow up before your eyes. I could lament about my son starting grade one and what a caring, big-hearted little man he is becoming. I could write about how his little sister is missing her playmate desperately and about the fear I have about my daughter, post Epilepsy diagnosis, going to preschool 2x a week. I could. But instead I am going to list the things my dear children do to annoy the living crap out of me on a daily basis—the things that enable mothers to wipe away the tears, and let out an elated “Yeee-ha!” (possibly too elated, as other parents stare, aghast, as you peel out of the parking lot) as you drop off your mini-yous at school. Here is my Top Ten List…in no particular order (though number one is a major pet peeve): 1. Mimicking my every word like a myna bird with an attitude 2. Peeing in the[…]

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