Category - Uncategorized

All Signs Point To My Smart Hands
Friends In All The Right Places
Wait…That May Not Be Chocolate
Who Let The Dogs Out, WHO, who, who, who?


A friend reminded me today that trying to overcome depression of any kind, seasonal or otherwise by “reasoning your way out” is as futile as willing away cancer or trying to trick yourself out of the flu. It’s not possible. It needs to be dealt with. She’s a wise old broad. Fine, she’s 11 months younger than me, if we’re getting all technical, but she’s right. Thankfully, I have lots of support.  Great friends, a loving family, an amazing husband, and a comfy chair by a sunny window.  Today as I sat by the window, bathing in luminous Vitamin D, I explored the web, and only allowed myself to read POSITIVE content. Maybe you can’t trick yourself into a happier disposition, but by avoiding negativity and embracing the positive, you might end up with a sunnier outlook. Man, once I fire up my new light therapy box, I’m going to make Mary Poppins look sullen and downright pessimistic. LOL! Anyway, I stumbled upon a lovely blog called Demanding Joy.  Not to be confused with my friend Joy, who’s not the least bit demanding, this blog is about “claiming the happy moments“.  Meg, the author believes, “By focusing our attention and[…]

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All Signs Point To My Smart Hands

Since my first year of teaching, long before I had children of my own, I ran the Sign Language club at the school where I taught. I trotted out my choir of shiny faced six year olds onto the stage where they signed “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “What a Wonderful World” to music. There wasn’t a dry parent eye in the house. I obviously considered signing to be more of a novelty act, than a life altering skill. I had NO idea how important the role ASL would ultimately play in my life. When I taught my son sign language nearly eight years ago, I relied on library books and bland, one dimensional websites.  Once Avery came along, and it became apparent sign language would be an essential tool in her development, I searched for innovative new ways to teach her. When Laura Berg posted a video on YouTube of her baby signing, it went viral. People were astounded by her 18 month old’s level of skill. They wanted to know how she did it and how they could teach their children to do the same and…My Smart Hands was born. I love Laura’s fresh approach to teaching ASL.[…]

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Friends In All The Right Places

Many of my friends don’t “do Facebook” or god forbid…Twitter.  So how do they stay connected? Do they pop out for a quick coffee or grab lunch with a pal? Pick up the phone to check in? Send a quick email?  If they do these things on a consistent basis, they’re doing a lot to nurture important relationships. If they’re NOT doing things things on the regular, then…(quick, somebody pass me a soapbox) they risk missing out. Some may argue social media is a “time sucker.”  Sure, it can be.  Updating photos to my Facebook page takes a few minutes, responding to emails takes a few more and tweeting, well that can take a few minutes to a few hours. Is digital networking addictive? Yup. It takes time and it’s addictive? But, is it worth it?  Absolutely. Here’s why: Facebook – I have family and friends who live FAR away.  Having the chance to look at their photos and share my own, keeps us connected.  Do I update my status every minute to share every detail of my life in real-time?  Hells no.  If I have something important to share. I share. If not, I read what OTHER people have[…]

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Wait…That May Not Be Chocolate

Know what pisses me off? Running to the bathroom after filling a shriveled bladder with vast amounts of green tea only to find somebody (I won’t mention any names, but she’s blonde and lives in my house) has peed on the seat. You frantically grab a wad of toilet paper to mop up the mess so you can take your rightful spot on the throne, but your bladder has already started the downloading process. It’s that whole Pavlovian thing in action. So you wet your pants. And for no good reason. It’s not like you were having fun and laughing so hard you peed a little. Sorry. I’ve got pee on the brain, so to speak. These days our household is consumed with pee. And poop. We’re in the midst of potty training booty camp. DS was fully potty trained by the age of two. It took a week. I used a cleverly organized sticker system and Potty Champ reward chart. I was the one who deserved a reward…for super stellar parenting. Seriously? I was a fool. DS was just a good pee-er. It had nothing to do with me. At all. My daughter has made that abundantly clear. She’s[…]

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Who Let The Dogs Out, WHO, who, who, who?

It was a ruff night last night and I’m dog gone tired. The kids didn’t wake me. They slept like babies. It was the wild animal kingdom outside my open bedroom window that woke me. It started with a single dog barking his furry head off, which soon spread to dogs near and far (I don’t care about the far off dogs, it’s the near ones I had a problem with). There were low growlers, high pitched yappers and assorted yelps in between. When I thought the canine chorus couldn’t get any louder, a screeching cat joined the cacophony…or catcophony in this case. To make matters worse, the woman in the house “kitty” corner to us (funny enough, not the cat owner, but the owner of the dog who started it all) began yelling, “Lucky! Lucky stop it!! LUCKY!!!” It took every ounce of self control I had not to yell, “Sir (this woman has a very deep voice), stop shouting at your dog and bring him inside!” She finally got Lucky under wraps. Then the cat settled down and the other dogs followed suit. In the words of the Baha Men, “Who let the dogs out?” and why? It[…]

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