Year: 2013

  • Blood Bath?

    Blood Bath?

    Bath time is sweet and peaceful at our house. Honestly, it’s one of the most treasured parts of the day. It’s also the time when my husband takes over. That’s right, he bathes our daughter while I surf the web, chat on the phone, paint my nails, help myself to seconds of dessert and cue…

  • Imagination Overload

    Imagination Overload

    A vivid imagination is a good thing if you’re J.K. Rowling or Walt Disney. For me, it can be a bit of a problem.  The wind rattling the window at night is for most, the wind rattling the window. For me, it’s a frothy mob of rabid raccoons working themselves into a lather struggling to…

  • It’s A New Meme…Verbose Vendredi!

    It’s A New Meme…Verbose Vendredi!

    I’ve participated in Wordless Wednesday, but almost always unsuccessfully. I’m rarely wordless. I even talk in my sleep. So I’ve created a new meme —Verbose Vendredi. I planned on calling it “Wordy Wednesday” but since it’s now Friday, I added the french bit for you know, alliteration, which is a key element in all viral…

  • A Spoonful of M&Ms Helps The Medicine Go  Down

    A Spoonful of M&Ms Helps The Medicine Go Down

    When your child needs to take meds, whether occasionally for an infection, or daily for a chronic condition, being the adult on “dispensing duty” can be difficult. My memory is not what it use to be. I can barely remember to change out of my slippers before I leave the house (true story). So what’s…

  • Planning For Your Special Needs Child’s Future

    Planning For Your Special Needs Child’s Future

    I’m a compulsive planner which means I need like to know what’s going to happen next; and if I can control what that is, even better. FYI — I know what we’re having for dinner every night for the next two months. When it comes to my children, I have to remind myself to stop obsessively looking forward. However, there are…