Tag - moms

The Motherload
The Kind Of Mom I’d Like To Be

The Motherload

Originally this post was entitled, “My Mother Myself” until I discovered that’s the title of a book of feminine erotica. This post is about my mom so….ew. This post is about my mom and how lucky I am to be hers. Everybody loves their mom. With the exception of perhaps Lizzie Borden. The mother and child bond is nature’s way of keeping children close lest they get eaten by a lion. It also ensures parents have someone to care for them in their decrepit years. Humans may instinctively love their moms, but they don’t necessarily LIKE them. I love and like my mom. Even if we weren’t related, we’d hang. My mom is my biggest fan and most trusted confidante. She thinks everything I do is wonderful and she makes me feel like I can do anything. When they dealt out mums, I got an ace…who also happens to be… a complete card. My mom and I shop in the same clothing stores and listen to the same music. She’s cooler than I am. She knew about Cold Play and the Blackeyed Peas before I did. My mom can dish it out, but takes it and then some. My brother[…]

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The Kind Of Mom I’d Like To Be

  It’s March Break and my kids are ready for adventure, childlike wonder and some degree of glee. Apparently I’m in charge of providing this. Currently “Curious George” is keeping my curious children entertained while I write. This means I have approximately 22 minutes before they turn their eyes expectantly to me and ask, “What are we doing today mummy?”     We’re going grocery shopping!! That’s fun. No? But we’ll be picking up baking supplies, not to mention our quest to find a gigantic fort making cardboard box. That ups the entertainment value right? Do I want to bake or build a fort? Not exactly. What I’d LIKE to do is sit on my butt, drink coffee and watch funny Youtube videos. So why the baking and the fort making? Because I want my kids to look back at our time together fondly. I want them to know they were my priority and that I enjoyed being with them.   I remember how I treasured the time spent with my two mothers.  Not two mothers, like the mommies on “The L-Word.” I mean, I have two women in my life who love me and raised me in different ways.  […]

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