Tag: funny kids

  • It’s Las Palmas Girl!

    It’s Las Palmas Girl!

    You’ve seen the “Las Palmas Baby” You Tube video, right? It’s a hysterical parody of a drunkardy tourist lady (the fanny pack? Ha!) in a bar—expertly played by an oblivious apple juice swigging toddler. If you haven’t watched it yet, it’s a must-do! It’s brilliant—the clip is at the end of this post. A few…

  • Dissing A Hero

    Dissing A Hero

      Even helpful and hard working super heros are sometimes dismissed. Take what happened to the Incredibles. That poor family was completely dissed by a cynical society. And check out this poor super hero. Just trying to keep his grandparents; backyard safe and free of evil, look at how his sister and family completely disregards…

  • (Eye) Glasses Half Full

    (Eye) Glasses Half Full

      One of the best and somewhat unexpected benefits of being a parent is the comic relief. Parenting is hilarious.  Kids have an exceptional sense of comedic timing that I think we lose as we get older. Maybe the funny moments come easier to them because they are free of inhibitions or they aren’t weighed down…