Tag - lunch tricks

Eat Your Lunch!—and Other WAHM Wisdoms

Eat Your Lunch!—and Other WAHM Wisdoms

  I know it’s horribly unhealthy, but some days I skip lunch. This probably explains why I voraciously attack any uneaten scraps from my kids’ lunch boxes at the end of the day. The fact is, as a time-challenged WAHM, the clock ticks so fast that I can’t always stop to make a healthy lunch. And when I don’t… a)    I’m slumped over my desk by 2:30 pm listless and useless. b)    I’m tired, grumpy and stupid by 2:36 pm. c)    I’m stuffing my face with cheese and crackers by 2:59 pm. d)    I’ve ingested the equivalent of a meal for two while making dinner. e)    All of the above. So what’s a busy WAHM to do? Other than find a Sugar Daddy so you don’t have to work at all and can spend your days lunching with the ladies at the country club. Or, you can try these tricks:  Dish out a lunch sized portion of whatever you’ve made for dinner and refrigerate to eat for lunch that week. All you have to do is heat and eat. Fast and easy, just the way we WAHMS like it. Make and take a smoothie to go. Sip while you walk[…]

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