Archive - May 23, 2012

Pee And Electrodes Don’t Mix

Pee And Electrodes Don’t Mix

  So I hurt my back last week. Wearing flip flops. You know you’re old when… But I digress. My crooked spine is now in the firm hands of my chiropractor,  “Dr. Al Lignment.” After a few adjustments and a ample amount of yelling, I seem to be BACK to normal. Relatively speaking. I walked into my chiro’s office yesterday like the biped I was born to be. It felt great to be able to walk again without cursing; quite a nice relief for everyone within ear shot really. As I jumped up onto the torture table (Al says he doesn’t like it when I call it that, but I know he’s kidding. Quite a sense of humour that guy. Totally cracks me up. #ChiroPun) I announced, “My back is totally better!!” “No, no it’s not,” Al replied. “Apparently” I’m not some kind of miracle case and my back, though now realigned, still needs time to fully heal. Bah. It’s not that I don’t like going to see Al. I’m not afraid of the spine cracking. Even the neck cracking — bring it. It’s the time and the cost that hurt. Also, having to bring along my five year old[…]

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