Tag - SAD

Anxiety and SAD
Little Miss Merry Sunshine I Ain’t

Anxiety and SAD

I don’t enjoy sharing my personal experience with anxiety because frankly, it’s embarrassing. I know, mental health should be stigma free by now. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and yet I am.  I feel more comfortable discussing my anxiety when I preface my symptoms with the caveat that I’ve been through some trauma. I like to point out that the majority of my issues are rooted in post traumatic stress resulting from some terrifying medical emergencies with our daughter. It’s like by explaining that my situation was thrust upon me, by no fault of my own, I free myself from any appearance of weakness. I’m merely a victim of circumstance. My mind may go to the worst case scenario now and then, but I’m normal. Nothing wrong with this gal.  Apparently my ego requires a cushion since I clearly feel the need to justify my anxious feelings. Perhaps it would help if I carried my psyche around on a little satin pillow? I know I should talk about it though because I’m not alone. ESPECIALLY when it comes to parenting a child with a disability. By avoiding the topic of mental health challenges, I’m not helping myself or anybody else.  Here’s[…]

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Little Miss Merry Sunshine I Ain’t

It’s winter and I’m sad. This is so frustrating because I’m actually a very happy person. I love my life, yet I feel sad for no reason.    It seems I’m sad because I have SAD—Seasonal Affective Disorder otherwise known as the “Winter Blues.”  SAD makes me mad. And a bit embarrassed to be honest. It kind of sounds made up or like some lame excuse to be bitchy or mopey or lazy.   I’m not just craving a trip to Florida or a day at the spa. My body physically reacts to this time of year in a bad/sad way.   And FYI, this is not PMS and it’s not lack of sleep. These two elements certainly don’t help matters, but I’ve been dealing with this affliction since I was 19 years old. I know what it is and and what it is not. January/February is the peak, but come late March, I’m happy-go-lucky once again.   Symptoms (of which I have EVERY one) include: -change in appetite, in particular a craving for sweet or starchy foods
weight gain -decreased energy -fatigue -tendency to oversleep -difficulty concentrating -irritability
avoidance of social situations -feelings of anxiety and despair There is no confirmed cause for SAD,[…]

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