Tag - Marriage

Here Comes The Bride?

Here Comes The Bride?

This girl is a perfect mix of sporty spice and Barbie Girl. She’s equally happy climbing trees and examining bugs or shopping for “bootiful” dresses and experimenting with clip-on earrings and pink nail polish. But lately she’s been decidedly more girly, obsessed with fru-fru frilly and smitten with wedding gowns. (This video snippet is Avery wearing her cousin’s bridesmaid gown…like a boss.) The matrimonial fascination started shortly after my cousin Kelsey announced that she’s getting married. When Avery heard this exciting news she wanted to know who was going to the party and would there be cake and what will her dress look like?! To add to the wedding whimsy we watched a video of my cousin Allison’s wedding. Avery watched intently, admiring the beautiful wedding gown, the flowers, the dancing. She was mesmerized. On the car ride home so told us she would be getting married. “Who are you going to marry?” I asked her. “My brother Bastian,” she answered with absolute certainty. I get why she’d want to marry him—he’s sweet and funny and he makes a mean bowl of mac and cheese. He’s a catch. “You can’t marry your brother,” I told her. “He’s already part of[…]

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Ever meet someone and feel instantly connected? It’s empowering and liberating to uncover aspects of your life you never knew you shared so intimately with another person. I met Heather on Twitter. I forget how we found each other exactly, but somehow we made a connection and soon discovered we have have a lot in common. Heather is a SuperMommy. When I read her blog, I often hear my own voice entwined with hers. As parents, we all travel a similar road, but when the road veers off from the beaten path, it’s important to know there are others walking along with us; some steps ahead who can guide us and some following our footsteps, looking to us for direction.  Click to read Heather’s Article Though Heather and I are walking side by side, I gratefully look to her in many ways for direction. Her article in  Bloom Magazine talks about how nurturing a marriage through the chaos of parenting…under “normal” circumstances can be difficult, but throw in a child with special needs and it becomes more challenging than anyone ever expected. Heather shares her story and offers suggestions for staying connected with your partner when life is situated on[…]

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