Tag - disorganized

Calendar Woes And Ice Cream Cake

Calendar Woes And Ice Cream Cake

  Like a tipsy outfielder squinting into the sun during an eclipse, I’m dropping a lot of balls. My husband says I’m the most disorganized organized person he’s ever met, while my friends have suggested I’m in need of a calendar revamp. They may be right.  My inability to sync my multitude of calendars plays a key role in this disorganized tale. In order to reinstate some balance to my topsy turvy schedule, the first thing I need to do is find a cohesive calendar solution. My current (flaky) system has not been serving me well. The fact that I actually have “Learn how to sync calendars” written on one of my calendars… is laughable.    Here’s the mess I’m dealing with: Calendar 1: the traditional paper calendar that hangs inside my kitchen cupboard — which apparently you need to LOOK at on a daily basis to avoid missing important appointments…like your physical, which has now been rescheduled for four months from now. Or like your kids’ doctors appointments. The ones you now have to pay $60 for missing because they charge an “idiot fee.” Calendar 2: the wall calendar in my office where you need to actually write things down in order to[…]

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