Category - Stories

Eat Your Lunch!—and Other WAHM Wisdoms
Honk If You’re Hornet—A Rant About Wasps
Oh How We’ve Grown
When Friendships Fizzle
Running For The Cure

Eat Your Lunch!—and Other WAHM Wisdoms

  I know it’s horribly unhealthy, but some days I skip lunch. This probably explains why I voraciously attack any uneaten scraps from my kids’ lunch boxes at the end of the day. The fact is, as a time-challenged WAHM, the clock ticks so fast that I can’t always stop to make a healthy lunch. And when I don’t… a)    I’m slumped over my desk by 2:30 pm listless and useless. b)    I’m tired, grumpy and stupid by 2:36 pm. c)    I’m stuffing my face with cheese and crackers by 2:59 pm. d)    I’ve ingested the equivalent of a meal for two while making dinner. e)    All of the above. So what’s a busy WAHM to do? Other than find a Sugar Daddy so you don’t have to work at all and can spend your days lunching with the ladies at the country club. Or, you can try these tricks:  Dish out a lunch sized portion of whatever you’ve made for dinner and refrigerate to eat for lunch that week. All you have to do is heat and eat. Fast and easy, just the way we WAHMS like it. Make and take a smoothie to go. Sip while you walk[…]

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Honk If You’re Hornet—A Rant About Wasps

    Alternate titles for this post include: Thugs Of The Insect World We Don’t Like You, So Buzz Off Get Off My Apple Arsehole You’ll Never Make Honey. Get Over It Wasps Are Wankers Go Back To Your Own Planet Wasps. What Are They Good For? Absolutely Nothing. I decided on the hornet inclusive title because a) LOL! and b) Hornets are jerks too. So are wasps good for anything? They’re part of our ecosystem (though I stand by my claim that they are invaders from another planet. Magnify them about 100x and you can totally imagine a wasp-alien eating Sigourney Weaver). Wasps eat pests like aphids and other creepy little insects. They also act like tiny vultures by eating and disposing of dead rotting stuff. I know this is a helpful thing; the circle of life and all that, but why do they have to be so annoying about it? Go ahead and eat my apple core, but can you at least wait until I put it down? And when a raccoon has a tantrum and hurls my food waste bin across my lawn, do you really have to swarm me like that? I’m merely trying to remove[…]

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Oh How We’ve Grown

  When this first photo was taken my daughter was three years old and just started having status epilepticus seizures and I was STRESSED out. And skinny. I felt sick to my stomach a lot of the time—great for my jeans, but not much good for anything else. Five years later, we’ve settled into our lives. There are still stressful moments, but as you can clearly see by my shapely rump, I’m not letting it get to me. “A fourth slice of pizza? Why yes, I think I will.” This post isn’t a commentary on weight gain or the fact that my hair hasn’t changed much in half a decade. No, it’s more about… ~ leaning on friends and family ~ understanding it’s easier to focus on the negative than to find the positive, but that the latter is so much better ~ choosing to laugh, because sometimes it really is a choice ~ being gentle with yourself (I’m still working on that) ~ realizing we can’t control everything (working on that one too!) ~ spending meaningful time with family because man, kids grow up fast don’t they?? ~ learning that stress can be managed with a little work and[…]

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When Friendships Fizzle

I suppose the silver lining to that golden rule is that all bad things must come to an end too. At some point anyway. Even if you’re up to your chin in moist festering crud, the tide of wretched crap will eventually recede. And though treading water in a sea of sludge isn’t pleasant, at least there will ultimately be an end to your suffering. But what about when GOOD things come to an end? Things you don’t want to let go or have torn away. Like friendships— when a relationship is meaningful one day, then missing the next. I’ve been there. You probably have too. Losing a friend is awful at any age. It seriously hurts. But what about children? How do we teach them that it happens to everyone and that’s it’s okay? Or that it will be okay once the sting subsides. This is something we’re working through at the moment. Friends grow apart. Especially when interests begin to vary. Say one friend is creative and loves to read and the other lives and breathes hockey. Once inseparable, the weekly interaction begins to wane until they haven’t spoken in months. Phone calls go unreturned and your child[…]

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Running For The Cure

I have so many fears that I’m afraid there’s something wrong. It frightens me.   I worry about things like Hog Weed, and Lyme Disease, and plane crashes, and nuclear war. I’m scared of penicillin resistant super bugs, and child abduction, and funnel clouds, and pesticides, and GMOs, and solar flares destroying the earth or at the very least, our internet access. And tsunamis (which is dumb because I don’t even live near an ocean, but we occasionally visit the seaside). Oh, and Ebola. But the thing that scares me the most; the one fear that consumes my thoughts on a daily basis, is cancer. It’s the Exorcist of diseases. Gory slasher flicks don’t scare me, but horror movies like Paranormal Activity and the Exorcist terrify me because they could happen. Just like cancer could happen. And it does. Based on 2009 estimates two out of five Canadians (45% of men and 41% of women) are expected to develop cancer during their lifetimes. And one out of four Canadians (29% of men and 24% of women) is expected to die from cancer. Source This is truly frightening. FYI, fretting over every lump, bump and funny mole doesn’t actually help. In[…]

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