Category - Health

Germ Warfare
I’m A Parent, No Doubt
Positively Positive…mostly
My Mandate To Hydrate
Pee And Electrodes Don’t Mix

Germ Warfare

No matter how hard I try to keep them out, the little buggers always find their way in. I’m talking about germs, not my family. Though I can’t say I haven’t fantasized about locking them out in the yard, just for a few minutes. And so there’s no confusion, I changed “dirty” husband to “messy” husband. I wouldn’t want anyone thinking I married some kind of perv. He’s sweet, even though he leaves his stinky germy sports stuff all over the house. This flu season I implemented a few anti-germ rules that seem to be helping the battle—from what I can tell anyway. I don’t examine my home with one of those forensic blue lights. If I did I surely vomit on the spot. And then run the blue light over that, like a Control Group kind of thing for the sake of science. Our Anti-Germ House Rules: 1. No shoes past the front entrance hall. Do you know how many disgusting germs travel by shoe?   2. Upon entering the house, all must head to the bathroom for a thorough hand washing.    3. No school bags directly on the kitchen counter or table. Backpacks are covered in billions of microscopic[…]

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I’m A Parent, No Doubt

  Parenthood is filled with anxiety fueled I-don’t-know-what-the-hell-I’m-doing daily doses of doubt.  None of us are truly prepared to be “in charge” of another human being. We’re all just kind of thrown into this  But, when you ARE in charge of another person you need to learn to do just that – take charge.    I have two children – our youngest has special needs. I had a normal pregnancy and birth experience and it wasn’t until our daughter stopped feeding and began to fall off the growth chart that we knew something was wrong.   I took her to several doctors; all of them told me to stop worrying. One paediatrician, who I ran into several years later told me, “Women have been feeding their babies forever. You just need to relax.” That was helpful. He also advised that we just “wait and see.” Seriously? But he was the professional and presumably knew what he was talking about. So I doubted myself — but only for a moment.   Instinct told me to take action. I packed a bag and took my child to Sick Kids Hospital Emergency. We were admitted and spent nearly a month in hospital receiving the care we should have had from the start.     Taking a stand or questioning authority takes me way outside of my[…]

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Positively Positive…mostly

  Are you a glass half-empty or a glass half-full kind of person? My glass virtually spills over in the stellar family and friend department. Professional opportunities are plentiful and generally I want for nothing. Life is pretty damn good. So how pessimism, fear and negativity have crept into my thoughts is beyond me. I’ve been told that the trauma associated with parenting a child with medical issues takes a toll. I’ve also heard that switching from working outside the home, to working in the more solitary environment of home can change ones mindset. I also know that living more online can influence your perspective. Whatever the reason, I’ve noticed a few more glass half-empty days lately. And I don’t like it one bit. This chick likes her glass filled right up to the brim thank you very much. *clink* Maybe I’m one of those needies who craves drama? Perhaps I even create it for my own personal amusement. Didn’t Oprah do a show on that very topic? My nickname is “Fun Thornbury” for heaven’s sake but I haven’t exactly been living up to my name. I’ve decided that ziplining and hiking with the kids and Games Night and simple[…]

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My Mandate To Hydrate

  Gator skin, flakey fingernails that won’t grow beyond the boundaries of their nail beds, hair resembling a wheat field at harvest time… I’m in the midst of a dry spell. What could be missing from my daily routine that could be responsible for this desperately dry situation? I drink at least one glass of water a day so…. oh wait. Mystery solved. Our bodies are 70% water so I’m guessing it’s a tad important. I like water (especially with a little squeeze of lemon) so I’m at a loss as to why I’ve been avoiding it.  I have decided to end this drought and made a plan to liquify my assets so-to-speak and came up with a Mandate to Hydrate. I vow to drink water all day, every day for a week, and then *graph my results. The first day I may have overdone it. When my teeth started floating, I knew I had H2Overdosed. Day Two, I sipped water sensibly throughout the day (not madly gulping tumblers-full like a college freshmen at a Kegger like Day one). By lights out I had consumed about nine glasses of water. I felt good; maybe a little bloated, but in a[…]

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Pee And Electrodes Don’t Mix

  So I hurt my back last week. Wearing flip flops. You know you’re old when… But I digress. My crooked spine is now in the firm hands of my chiropractor,  “Dr. Al Lignment.” After a few adjustments and a ample amount of yelling, I seem to be BACK to normal. Relatively speaking. I walked into my chiro’s office yesterday like the biped I was born to be. It felt great to be able to walk again without cursing; quite a nice relief for everyone within ear shot really. As I jumped up onto the torture table (Al says he doesn’t like it when I call it that, but I know he’s kidding. Quite a sense of humour that guy. Totally cracks me up. #ChiroPun) I announced, “My back is totally better!!” “No, no it’s not,” Al replied. “Apparently” I’m not some kind of miracle case and my back, though now realigned, still needs time to fully heal. Bah. It’s not that I don’t like going to see Al. I’m not afraid of the spine cracking. Even the neck cracking — bring it. It’s the time and the cost that hurt. Also, having to bring along my five year old[…]

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