Archive - October 2016

Happy Planet Soup Will Make You A Souper Star!
Childhood Report Card Comments Still Stand Today
The Special Needs Parenting Sweet Spot

Happy Planet Soup Will Make You A Souper Star!

Did you ever imagine adult life would be this busy?? We could easily compare who’s busier, but that would take time and frankly I just don’t have any extra to spare. If you’re not too busy, I whine more about that HERE.  It doesn’t help that I’ve never been great at time management. Did you see my grade school report card post? Spoiler alert…I got an Improvement Needed in “Makes Good Use of Time.” Now that I’m a parent of busy kids this impediment has only gotten worse. My kids have full schedules—rep sports and lessons and classes every day. It’s capital B busy.  I’m not complaining (out loud). I happily accept my duty as a parent to deliver my children to these things. Since I work from home I’m also in charge of starting dinner most nights. And most nights I do. But some days (you know the ones) I throw my arms in the air and wail, “I don’t wanna!”  That’s when I’m temptated to veer into the nearest drive-thru. Never underestimate the allure of french fries wafting into hangy nostrils. I try to remain strong because as great as it smells, I know McFried food isn’t the best choice. When I’m[…]

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Childhood Report Card Comments Still Stand Today

My daughter is in grade five this year. She’s a Chatty Cathy who “sometimes” gets distracted in class by friends and fun. I have NO idea where she gets this from.  Oh wait, yes I do.  When my auntie Marg was visiting from B.C. this week, she brought along some old photos and report cards she found when she was sorting through boxes at my grandpa’s house.  She grinned expectantly when she handed me the report card. As I read it, I could see why.  “Reading and writing above grade level.” Can I add that to my freelance writing resume? “Mature attitude.” Well maybe for fifth grade. But I still have the same fifth grade attitude now.  “Accepts new challenges readily.” Do I? Do I really? Because I think I’m more of a, “Fine I’ll try but I don’t really want to” kinda gal.  “Lisa has become a little chatty in class.” This made me howl but it doesn’t surprise me. This was neither the first nor the last time a comment like this appeared on my report card.  “In mathematics, Lisa must learn to check her answers for careless errors.” Ha! Tell me about it. Numbers continue to mock me daily. This[…]

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The Special Needs Parenting Sweet Spot

It’s a struggle to stay rooted in the present. Memories of traumatic moments from the past seep in and thoughts of what “could” happen trickle through the cracks. These leaks can start to erode the “special needs parenting sweet spot.”  “Be mindful!” I remind myself constantly. “All the good stuff is happening now! If you don’t open your eyes and breathe, you’ll miss it.”  Sitting sandwiched between two conversations at my daughter’s adaptive soccer league last week I felt like my happy place was put in peril. As I sat on a cold metal bench watching wildly enthusiastic kids chase after soccer balls followed closely by their volunteer partners. I couldn’t help but hear the two conversations happening separately on either side of me.  One pair talked about their young children recently diagnosed with complicated disorders. The fear, the confusion, the anxiety—I remember it well. The “beginning” is a unique kind of difficult. So many questions, so much anxiety—parents reaching out in desperation to anyone who might have answers, or at the very least offer some guidance.  My stomach clenched as I listened to the despair in their voices. Though my compassion was overshadowed by my relief in having escaped the early[…]

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