Archive - 2012

Calendar Woes And Ice Cream Cake
Still Siblings…
The Backpack Pack Rat Strikes Again
Happy Panda
Pirates and Play Dates

Calendar Woes And Ice Cream Cake

  Like a tipsy outfielder squinting into the sun during an eclipse, I’m dropping a lot of balls. My husband says I’m the most disorganized organized person he’s ever met, while my friends have suggested I’m in need of a calendar revamp. They may be right.  My inability to sync my multitude of calendars plays a key role in this disorganized tale. In order to reinstate some balance to my topsy turvy schedule, the first thing I need to do is find a cohesive calendar solution. My current (flaky) system has not been serving me well. The fact that I actually have “Learn how to sync calendars” written on one of my calendars… is laughable.    Here’s the mess I’m dealing with: Calendar 1: the traditional paper calendar that hangs inside my kitchen cupboard — which apparently you need to LOOK at on a daily basis to avoid missing important appointments…like your physical, which has now been rescheduled for four months from now. Or like your kids’ doctors appointments. The ones you now have to pay $60 for missing because they charge an “idiot fee.” Calendar 2: the wall calendar in my office where you need to actually write things down in order to[…]

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Still Siblings…

My brother Mike and I circa 1976. Move over John Travolta… that stylin’ disco dude in the background is our dad.    Siblings fight. It’s totally normal. So apparently my children are abnormal. They’re still young though, so all hell could still break loose. But at this moment they are completely peaceful. They have never had a fight or disagreement of any kind. No bickering, hitting, tattling or vying for attention. I watch my son, the older of the two, and marvel at how fiercely protective he is of his kid sister. They are best friends.  This has absolutely NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with parenting. We have not taught them this behaviour. By all accounts the nine year old should resent his little sister. Her medical issues have resulted in him missing out on many outings and a large portion of attention has been diverted away from him to her. Instead of acting out, he simply loves her more. My brother, three years my junior, and I were the same; best buddies growing up. Apart from a few squabbles in our teen years, I don’t recall a single harsh word between us, ever. He’s a grown man now, but I[…]

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The Backpack Pack Rat Strikes Again

  My girl loves herself a backpack. Or a purse. Or better yet, someone else’s purse. So if yours is pink or has a butterfly on it, you’d best keep one hand on your handbag at all times. In typical female fashion, she stuffs her bag full of completely unnecessary items. I wrote about her handbag hoarding tendencies here along with a list of the typical contents of her bag on any given day. Our backpack pack rat often comes home with things she’s collected at school: her teacher’s sunglasses, a classmate’s pencil case, somebody else’s journal, one sock belonging to some poor sockless child, sheets and sheets and sheets of paper, a creepy doll, a glue stick…and the list goes on. To be clear, she’s not stealing. She has no concept of it. She merely likes to collect items and is happy to dole out the goods to her friends and family. She also attempts to bring things from home to “share” at school. I’ve intercepted many household items stowed away in her backpack, destined for some epic Show and Tell session. I’ve retrieved her brother’s homework, water bottle and one of his Crocs before she made it out the door.[…]

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Happy Panda

This is my feeble attempt at a Wordless Wednesday post. I’ve tried to be all wordless before without much success. What can I say? (apparently a lot). Moving on… You’ve heard the expression “Sad Panda?”(originating from a South Park episode describing an unhappy, disappointed person). Well, my girl is almost always happy. Unless she’s not. But that’s rare and can usually be fixed with a hug or Goldfish crackers. Recently we went shopping for clip on earrings. My girlie girl loved choosing the most sparkly ones and then admiring herself in the mirror. She tried on dozens before she decided on the perfect pair. I give you…Happy Panda!

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Pirates and Play Dates

  When I write anything; whether it’s an email, a Facebook update, a letter, or a blog post, I try to keep it real. I want the person reading my words to hear my voice. I also want them to trust it. Recently a friend asked me about review blogs. “Are they for real?” she wanted to know. “I mean, people seem to love every single thing they get. How is that even possible?” The answer is…it’s not. When I’m asked to consider a product or service for review I only ever write about the ones I would recommend to a friend. I mean what I say and say what I mean. Fortunately I’ve been able to connect with some quality brands I love like Fisher-Price. Mom Central acts as the “middle man mom” between the brand (Fisher-Price) and the blogger (moi). They connect brands with bloggers who they believe align authentically with a brand’s message and products. Mom Central tries to ensure that toy testers receive Fisher-Price products that suit their age, gender and interests. This month we received a bounty of toys suited to my daughter’s developmental age, but apparently not all of them suited her current interests. This kid[…]

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