Archive - February 14, 2011

My Little Valentino

My Little Valentino

When I told my husband, when we first started dating, not to get me anything for Valentine’s Day because I don’t celebrate the Hallmark holiday, he was thrilled. No flowers, no chocolates, no dinner at a crowded restaurant?! He was pleased to say the least. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in love with love. I just don’t think it needs to be designated to a specific day. This morning though, when my son presented me with his handmade valentine, it really meant something to him. So naturally it meant the world to me, and it melted my cold, anti-Valentine heart. The funny thing is he’d “hidden” this craft in his room for over a week. I say hidden with a smirk, because kids are terrible at hiding things. I had to move it out of the way several times while I was dusting his room and putting away laundry. He had also made a valentine for his sister. I heard him in her room reading it aloud, “Happy Valentine’s Day Avery. I have always loved you.” Oh my god. The heartfelt gift inspired a super cute sibling hug. Followed shortly after by Avery tossing the valentine into the my bathroom sink[…]

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