Archive - January 25, 2011



A friend reminded me today that trying to overcome depression of any kind, seasonal or otherwise by “reasoning your way out” is as futile as willing away cancer or trying to trick yourself out of the flu. It’s not possible. It needs to be dealt with. She’s a wise old broad. Fine, she’s 11 months younger than me, if we’re getting all technical, but she’s right. Thankfully, I have lots of support.  Great friends, a loving family, an amazing husband, and a comfy chair by a sunny window.  Today as I sat by the window, bathing in luminous Vitamin D, I explored the web, and only allowed myself to read POSITIVE content. Maybe you can’t trick yourself into a happier disposition, but by avoiding negativity and embracing the positive, you might end up with a sunnier outlook. Man, once I fire up my new light therapy box, I’m going to make Mary Poppins look sullen and downright pessimistic. LOL! Anyway, I stumbled upon a lovely blog called Demanding Joy.  Not to be confused with my friend Joy, who’s not the least bit demanding, this blog is about “claiming the happy moments“.  Meg, the author believes, “By focusing our attention and[…]

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